Vacation travel now?

We just tested this morning, in anticipation of my son & family stopping by later today as his two son’s birthdays are coming along… Both of us tested negative.

In the family, a few scattered Covid cases, a couple had a rough go, but everyone is vaccinated, boosted, we all test prior to any gatherings, masking when with my son’s family… Masking, testing while caring for our DD in the last couple years, so never to be a cause of adding to her problems, her passing was unrelated to Covid… Her inlaws, now living in NV, recently both contracted covid, likely from his air travel to Houston on business, so even their care, masking left them vulnerable…

An old work buddy, like me, long retired, but he’s a stroke survivor, split with his gambler wife, had to move in with his daughter & family, all deniers, no masks, caught it soon after, but his shots, boosters, made it survivable…

So far so good…

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